

Richard Perle continues to stare into the placid, reflective waters of his mind, finding his own gaze returned to him in reward. Let’s leave him to his reverie.

Shall we turn now to a second New York Times reflection — that of Kenneth Pollack? It’s entitled “So Much for Good Intentions:”

For that reason (some bullshit reason; I can’t even be bothered to remember what — ed.), what I most wish I had understood before the invasion was the reckless arrogance of the Bush administration. I had inklings of it to be sure, and warned of the inadequacy of some of what I saw. . .

(My emphasis, because I treasure the word “inklings”)

Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps you would like to buy Kenneth Pollack’s 2002 book, The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq.

Truly, this book is a mirror that cannot be cracked. Let us hold it up to our face. . . and gaze. . . at the REFLECTIONS. . .


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Inspired by Richard Perle, I decided to treat myself to a nice, long reflection. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror.

I said, “Mirror, please show me my true reflection.”

Nothing. Just the image of some random white guy.

Then I remembered the old rhyme: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s got the best reflection of all of them?”

And sure enough — SNAP! — just like that, the mirror offered up my reflection:

A man, wide-eyed with wonder; a few wrinkles around the mouth; a gray hair here and there; a piece of broccoli (OK, a whole floret) stuck in my teeth; a chin that really should jut out more, if I ever want to get this whole “Bicycle-Helmet Model” career off the ground.

The reflection may not be pretty, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

As the old-timers say, “Beauty is as beauty does, but ugly goes straight to your bones.” In other words, “Homegirl, you look ugly and you might have bone cancer.” (Worst oncologist ever?)



The reflections continue. After all, you can’t turn off a mirror. . . you can only turn away. . .

. . . and you can’t doubt the sincerity of our nation’s mirror, a.k.a. the New York Times. We seek a truer picture of ourselves within its pages, and hope to learn valuable lessons thereby/therein/therefore(?).

Here’s another quote from Richard Perle’s “Reflection” in the Times:

I was astonished (and dismayed) that we did not turn to well-established and broadly representative opponents of Saddam Hussein’s regime to assume the responsibilities of an interim government while preparing for elections.

(My emphasis, because it made me giggle!)

People, he’s talking about Ahmed Chalabi.

Sweet, sweet reflections. . .

The sweaty man turns his back on the mirror, BUT THE MIRROR STILL REFLECTS HIM.


Photo credit: Fotosearch. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.


We’re celebrating reflections this week. Reflections about the Iraq War. Reflections about what we’ve learned. What we got right. . . what we got wrong. . . what we got half-right and half-wrong.

This week, we reflect. And learn. We step outside the mirror and look in — at ourselves. For we are the ultimate mirrors.

Here’s a quote from Richard Perle’s “Reflection” in the Times:

Saddam Hussein forced the question: Should we leave him in place and hope for the best, or destroy his regime in a lightning strike and thereby end the risk that he might collaborate with terrorists to enable an attack even more devastating than 9/11?(My emphasis, because the thought is so terrifying!)

Ah, reflections. . .


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I read the most interesting, most powerful collection of essays in this weekend’s New York Times. It’s called “Reflections on the Invasion of Iraq.”

(I guess we invaded Iraq or something? I’ll try to learn more.)

The essays are written by “experts on military and foreign affairs.” The essays are to help us learn. To help us reflect.

We’re going into “Reflections Mode” here at www.mnftiu.cc, in honor of it!

(In honor of the Times piece, not in honor of www.mnftiu.cc. . . sorry, didn’t mean to get you caught up in a NEVER-ENDING SEMANTIC REFLECTION.)

PS: You can’t pinch this blog! I WISH YOU A MERRIE SAINT PADDER’S DAYE!


3/10/08 – 3/16/08

Taking our cue from the New York Times, this week we reflect on the five-year anniversary of the Iraq war.


The day is drawing to a close. . . reflections fade into shadow. But we have time for a final New York Times reflection. This reflection comes from Danielle Pletka, of the criminally neglected American Enterprise Institute:

The mantra of the antiwar left — “Bush lied, people died” — so dominates the debate about the run-up to the Iraq war that it has obscured real issues that deserve examination.

(My emphasis, because isn’t it so true that, more than any other group, the antiwar left has constantly obscured important facts about Iraq?)

Sweet reflections. . .


(Even the teddy bear has a reflection.)

Photo credit: Fotosearch. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.


Ta-Nehisi Coates on playing “The Racist Card.”

The racist card is textbook strawmanship. As opposed to having to address whether her comments were, as Obama said, “wrongheaded” and “absurd,” Ferraro gets to debate something that only she can truly judge — the contents of her heart. . . .

The bar for racism has been raised so high that one need be a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party to qualify. Had John McCain said that Hillary Clinton was only competitive in the presidential race because she was a woman, there’d be no dispute over whether the comment was sexist. And yet when the equivalent is said about a black person, it’s not only not racist, but any criticism of the statement is interpreted as an act of character assassination. “If anybody is going to apologize,” Ferraro told MSNBC, “they should apologize to me for calling me a racist.”


(Did I get that right?)


It’s over. Our whirlwind romance with Silvio is winding down. The man with the pushbroom is knocking at the door, asking when he can sweep up the streamers.

A melancholy state of mind adheres to our blog today. I believe the Italians call it La Bella Melalancholalia.

By the way, take a closer look at the photo above. . .

He’s wiping his face off.

Photo credit: Daniel Dal Zennaro/epa/Corbis. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.