MNFTIU Exclusive: Highlights From TPM’s Debate Liveblog

Read talkingpointmemo’s entire liveblog here.


9:12 PM … When they invented the term “shit eating grin” were they thinking about John McCain?

9:26 PM … McCain: I went sleazy because Obama wouldn’t do a hundred townhalls with me.

9:33 PM … What on earth is McCain talking about? Obama’s attacking vets wearing vet caps?

9:53 PM … I need to see a slo-mo of McCain’s weird eyebrow response to Obama’s line about the assassination of labor leaders in Colombia.

10:01 PM … Is that McCain’s look when he gets totally blown out of the water?

10:04 PM … John McCain: Hurting and Angry.

10:11 PM … Wow, McCain tries to play the infanticide card. Right off the fringe websites. Utter-bottom feeding.

10:17 PM … If John McCain hyperventilates, does he lose points?

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