Best Of 2020: FOOD

2020 was, it must be said, an extraordinary year for food. Food has been a constant source of nutrition and inspiration in our human story, but this year was quite different, and food was also impacted by these differences. As many Americans found themselves not going to restaurants as much in 2020, their “food focus” shifted to their own kitchens, and cooking became the “main course” when it came to the grand meal of making food.


Keep in mind that when we think of food in 2020, we must also think of take-out and delivery services, because these were also factors. As well as: grocery shopping. In short, this was a year in which we were forced to adapt to changing circumstances … and our food adapted with us.

2020 was a year unlike any other. But food remained beside us (and inside us!) all the while, providing comfort and sustenance as we struggled through this year while also enjoying ourselves during pleasant moments.

So let’s enjoy a final feast! Pull up a chair and join me in celebrating the best of 2020 when it comes to food by gorging on this supper of THE TOP TEN FOODS OF 2020:

10. Refreshing foods

9. Gotta make more fucking food

8. Buy food, eat food, go to sleep, wake up, take a piss, eat food, roll over, die

7. (TIE) Fine gourmet meals prepared at home / Candy bars

6. Supporting your favorite local restaurants by buying their foods

5. Surprising foods

4. Foods that make you laugh or smile

3. Foreign foods

2. Midnight snacks because why not

1. Perfection: A single bay leaf on a piece of fish, seasoned “just so”