Thank You Northampton!

Thanks to everyone who represented in Northampton last night. Thanks to Bill Scher of Northampton Drinking Liberally for hooking up the event. Sorry it was a bit crowded in that little basement room.

But wasn’t it worth it to see me ROCKING MY NATIONAL REVIEW T-SHIRT??? Greatest shirt ever, which I wear with such pride!!!

If anyone has a picture of me in my National Review shirt, please forward so I can post on my blog!

(Interesting fact I just learned about my National Review shirt . . . my wife won’t let me kiss her while wearing it. “You have to take that shirt off if you’re gonna kiss me . . .” And no, she’s not talking about how much she wants to see my rock-hard abs, LOL!!! More like, “Nacho-hard abs,” seeing as how I killed those nachos last night in Northampton, and then had nacho-style-breakfast this morning, LOL, nachos I love you!!!)

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