A Word On My Polls

I’ve noticed a real drop-off in polls this morning. Fivethirtyeight.com seems to be taking a nap. (LOL, make sure you run that nap simulation 10,000 times.)

TPM is in total slack-off mode, as far as I can tell.

I guess DailyKos finally ran out of money, because they don’t seem to be commissioning polls anymore.

I’m going to pick up the slack.

I’M COMMISSIONING FIVE POLLS PER DAY FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. It’s my duty as the hottest blogger on the scene . . .

Early exits from my first poll (referenced below):

ZYX RESULTS (sample size = n/20)
M: 25
O: 25

This race is tightening. I’ve got 5,000 regression polls cross-tabbed to my P-values, and things look tight. That tightness could spread to the baseline numbers and tighten the gap, in which case it could be an uphill tightening for Obama.

I’ll know more when I get the update fax from my uncle who’s monitoring his CB radio for short-wave tightening.

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