ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END, AND SO HERE IT IS: THE FINAL BEST OF 2012 LIST OF THE YEAR. This is the list you’ve all been waiting for — the industry standard that makes the whole industry stand up and take notice. This particular list is the greatest list of all time, and anyone who disagrees doesn’t understand, on some fundamental level, what lists are.
So here it is: THE TOP TEN CARS AND TRUCKS OF 2012!
10. Decent cars
9. Used cars
8. Pretty nice cars
7. “Whoa, that’s a nice car!”
6. (TIE) Scion car by Toyota / Dude Where’s My Car
5. Sports cars
4. Hybrid cars that smell like soap when you accelerate
3. (TIE) “Now, fellas, hold on to your hats when you see this next car — this right here? Is probably the best car I’ve ever had the pleasure of selling on this here car lot where I sell my cars. This car is the car of your dreams, gentlemen. So get ready for some of the best dreams you done ever had about this here car right here. It’s called a Mercury GT7 by Ford Cars.” / Sunroofs
2. Most cars
1. Trucks
That’s it for my lists! Have a Happy New Year and I’ll see you in 2013 on my blog.
Sincerely, David Rees