Best Of 2009

Top Ten Catchphrases Of The Decade

From “Whaddya know?” to “Ya don’t say,” the 2000s will be remembered as the decade when catchphrases were king.


10. Ya don’t say!
9. Are you for real?
8. If something does or doesn’t happen, the terrorists will win!
7. I’ll believe it when I see it!
6. Fuhgeddaboutit!
5. No way!
4. TIE: You gotta be kiddin’ me!/Pimpin’ ain’t easy!
3. Tell me about it!
2. Did you like that movie or what?
1. It’s all good!

Top Eight Years Of The Decade

This is the list you’ve been waiting for! Below are the TOP EIGHT YEARS OF THE 2000s:

8. 2009
7. 2001
6. TIE: 2000/2004
5. 2003
4. 2002
3. 2006
2. TIE: 2007/2008
1. 2005

EXCLUSIVE: Top Ten Dreams Of The Decade

MNFTIU.CC EXCLUSIVE! Nobody else has this list. The 2000s were a decade of dreams. Scientists who study dreams, known as dreamologists, say that this decade saw more dreams than any other decade in human history.


10. Flying
9. In school with no pants
8. Car won’t start/stop
7. Yelling at Mom but she’s also somebody else
6. TIE: Osama bin Laden laughing / Everyone has the same color hair
5. Misc. cute animals
4. Teeth falling out
3. Toilet exploding
2. TIE: Trying to read weird magazine / Shirt too tight
1. Current events

Top Ten Foods Of The Decade

Someday, when people talk about the 2000s, they’ll talk about all the great food we ate.

From ice cream to chicken fingers, we ate it all.

Here is the definitive list of the TOP TEN FOODS OF THE DECADE:

10. Ice cream
9. Spinach
8. Ethnic food
7. Potatoes
6. Freedom fries
5. Soup
4. Tomatoes
3. Beans
2. Spaghetti
1. Chicken fingers

Top Ten Video Games Of The Decade

From Sonic the Hedgehog to Wii Tennis, the 2000s will forever be remembered as the decade when everyone was playing video games.

Here are my picks for the TOP 10 VIDEO GAMES OF THE DECADE:

10. Fighting games
9. Flying games
8. Maze games
7. Phone games
6. Cute creature games
5. M.M.P.O.R.P.G. games (“Massive Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game” games)
4. Puzzle games
3. First-person shooter games
2. Typing/Word games
1. Imitation sports

Top Ten Celebrities Of The Decade

The 2000s were a unique decade for celebrities. From reality television to sex scandals to political controversy, we saw celebrities at their best– and worst.

Here is the definitive list of the most intriguing celebrities of the decade:

10. Actors
9. Politicians
8. International authors
7. Pop stars (female)
6. Religious leaders
5. Athletes (male)
4. Children who do strange things
3. TIE: Athletes (female) / Pop stars (male)
2. Reality show people
1. Actresses

Top Ten Movies Of The Decade

From CGI to MTV, the 2000s saw an incredible growth in the movie-magic-making industry. Here are my picks for the TOP TEN MOVIES OF THE DECADE:

10. Action
9. Mystery/Thriller
8. Musical
7. Comedy
6. Documentary
5. Romantic/”Woman Films”
4. Horror
3. Indie
2. Animated
1. Drama

Decade In Review: THE ECONOMY

Here are the biggest economic stories of the 2000s:

10. Money
9. How much is your house worth?
8. 401(k)s
7. The stock market
6. Banks and how we all benefit when they do well
5. Stamp collecting
4. The new state quarter coins
3. The deficit
2. Lotteries and casinos
1. Online billpay

Decade In Review: TRENDS

It’s that time of year, folks: Time to review the decade and summarize all its variegated glories and tragedies!


10. New cars
9. Computers and all the things they do
8. Countries fighting
7. Politics
6. MP3s
5. Cable news going so crazy
4. Space missions(?)
3. Y2K
2. Terror
1. Joe Lieberman, greatest hero of the decade.