
Dear readers, I’m sorry I haven’t updated my web log (“blog”) in a while. Here are some thoughts/reflections I’ve had recently:

– The situation in Libya is crazy;

– The Oscars are coming up soon, let’s hope the best nominees win in each category;

– Social media is changing the way people interact with culture in ways we will never understand so don’t bother trying;

– “Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery;”

– Abraham Lincoln is STILL my favorite president

Oh! One other thing is that WINE STORE LIVEBLOGGING will return on March 7. So get ready with all your wine-related questions!

Also, I think I will have an important announcement re: Artisanal Pencil Sharpening later this week.

Have a great day and I will “blog” with you soon!

Your pal,
David Rees