The cruise was great! Already a shoo-in for BEST OF 2011: CRUISES.
One highlight was this colossal performance by ace snorkeler John Roderick:
The other fun thing was when a bunch of us nerds stormed the ship’s micro-disco and completely tore it apart on the dance floor to this song.
Also, I learned how to play Settlers of Catan, one of the biggest, most famous nerd games! It was fun. Basically you buy land and build houses and trade goats for rocks. I also played Apples to Apples, a famous extreme-metal band.
Also Mike Phirman killed. People gave him a standing ovation when he entered the dining room later that evening.
Lots of other fun things happened: I sat in a hot tub wearing sunglasses just like in the movies; I saw fish living underwater as if that was the most natural thing in the world; I ate mad salad bars (seriously, one day I went buck wild and almost ate the entire salad bar); I even bumped into my arch-nemesis The Spoiler, that old killjoy.
All in all, a great success. Congratulations to Jonathan Coulton, Paul & Storm, Armand, Liz, and everyone else who worked so hard to rock everyone’s socks off into the ocean.