I Joined Facebook!!!

My first official internet-related act of the new decade was to JOIN FACEBOOK! I am freakin’ SO PUMPED ABOUT THIS!

I was always one of those people who was like, “Naw, I’ll never join Facebook … it’ll probably go bankrupt in 6 months and then it’ll be abandoned …” but now I realize: Facebooks aren’t going anywhere. Everyone loves their Facebooks.

So now I am the proud owner/administrator of a Facebook page called “David Rees” (named after me). I am accepting ALL FRIEND REQUESTS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU USE CODE “MNFTIU.”

You can see it all here– on FACEBOOK!

(I’m still not totally sure how it works … it might be that you can’t see anything because you’re not listed in the computer as my friend. But if you want to be my computer-friend, send a request and I’ll honor it within 30 minutes or your next request is free.)