Out Of The Mouths Of Madmen Come The Most Amazing Things That They Say

Ladies and gentlemen, the Weekly Standard!

(W)e don’t know what (Sarah Palin) will do in the private sector. Will she write a thoughtful book? Become a syndicated columnist whose ideas make her a “must read” for everyone? Will she found an important new think tank? An important journal? Spearhead an effort to help the unemployed? Decide to launch a business? Or maybe she will start a new political party?

Allow me to answer all these questions:

No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

Thank you!

LOL, “become a syndicated columnist whose ideas make her a ‘must-read’ for everyone?” This is one of the most LOL hypothetical questions of all time, just behind “What if Grand Funk Railroad were astronauts and they flew to the moon in a purple canoe and gave a free concert for Grover Cleveland’s vagina?”

I guarantee you 1,000% that Sarah Palin will not become a syndicated columnist whose ideas make her a “must-read” for everyone. I will give you my biggest, boldest guarantee– the iron-clad guarantee I only use on the most special occasions, when I really need to guarantee the shit out of something.